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  • Writer's pictureb wils

you're a what? all about social media strategists!!

I'll graduate from Utah State with a bachelor's degree in May 2021. And while my degree is technically in journalism, my emphasis/specialization is social media analytics. I'm minoring in multimedia development, which is just a fancy way of saying 'content creation.' Yeah, you should've seen my mom's reaction when I told her I wanted to do social media professionally lol.

I think many people would be surprised to know how successful social media professionals can be.

Ideally, I'd like to be a social media strategist. Upon entry to the industry, social media strategists make an average of $51k/yr. Since many companies have small social media teams, promotions can happen quickly. After 3-5 years with a company, it's possible to become a senior strategist. On average, senior strategists make $87,392/yr. Not too shabby if you ask me.

So what will I be paid to do? Social media strategists create and execute social media campaigns. The objectives of these campaigns can range from hosting a giveaway, to marketing a product launch, or promoting an upcoming event. During my time at Utah State, I've collaborated with a few clients doing just that. I use software such as Hootsuite, Google Analytics, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Premiere to create and publish content. Then, I keep an eye on engagement analytics throughout the campaign. This data helps me gauge how successful the campaign objectives have been. On average, how many shares did our posts get? Did this lead to a 4% increase in follower count like we wanted? What lasting impact will this increase have on our company? The expertise of social media professionals can result in sale increases and a loyal customer base who can promote your brand by word-of-mouth. Social media professionals are becoming powerhouses in the sales and public relations industries for that reason. Their work can have exponential impact.

Successful campaigns are great, but you don't see those increases if you don't have effective content. Anything that gets posted is 'content.' If you've ever posted on Instagram, you're a content creator!

This blog post you're reading right this second? A piece of content.

All 102 of my Instagram posts? Content.

The TikTok of the cute puppy that made you cry earlier today? Content.

So what differentiates me from anyone else with an Instagram account? That's where my minor comes in. I'll get paid to create content that gets posted by companies or influencers. I've been trained in photography, videography, and graphic design. I know how to create cohesive and creative content that catches the eye of a company's target audience.

In a nutshell, I'll shoot and edit a promotional video. I'll post it. I'll track how much people interact with the post. Rinse and repeat. So there you have it folks, a brief summary of what I want to be when I grow up.

Until l8r


B :)

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